Fundación Esperanza Contigo, A.C.


How to choose charity organizations in Mexico to help?

Julio 16, 2021

    Caring for those people who have not been as lucky as we are, is the first big step to change their situation. We usually look for associations or help someone we know in need, donate to our local church, or buy food to share with those in need. All the above are important and valuable actions that will always be appreciated.

    However, we cannot fail to consider how effective our donations are or, better yet, how effective they can be. Nowadays, it is not enough to research if the association we support is not a fraud; it is also necessary to verify that our donation is as productive as possible, that it reaches the largest number of people in need. This is known as Effective giving.

    Effective giving is to make sure that we are not donating to an organization because they are famous, recognized, or because they have a fabulous marketing campaign, but that our donation has a significant impact.

    Toby Ord, a researcher in moral philosophy at Oxford University, talks about the cost-effectiveness of charitable projects, i.e. what impact the money you donate to any organization has, he assures that this effect can vary by as much as 1,000 or 10,000%. Therefore, we must consider how many people we are really helping with our donation, as well as the result of this help. Is it really solving the problem?

Learn how education changes the future of the children of Mexico in our article: Help fight poverty in Mexico

Ord explains the above with an excellent example:

    “Suppose we have a $40,000 budget which we can spend as we wish to fight blindness. One thing we could do is to provide guide dogs to blind people in the United States to help them overcome their disability. This costs about $40,000 due to the training required for the dog and its recipient. Another option is to pay for surgeries to reverse the effects of trachoma in Africa. This costs less than $20 per patient cured.”

How many people are they helping in each case? How much money did it cost?

    According to Robert Wiblin, director of Giving What We Can, focusing on helping developing countries is one of the best ways to get a lot of value for your money. Likewise, the Give Well association explains that money from developed countries yields much more in developing countries, such as Mexico.

    Definitely, the cost-effectiveness ratio varies depending on geography, as charity organizations are always more effective in poorer places. A small amount of money from a rich country could make a big difference in a developing country. Charity organizations in Mexico are a great option to make the money work and have a high impact.

    Another recommendation is to focus on those associations that care about health. Ord uses the metric QALY (Quality Adjusted Life Years), which is met when an organization can provide a full year of health to someone.

What do we do at Fundación Esperanza Contigo?

Fundación Esperanza Contigo is a charity organization in Mexico that cares about the future of children living in orphanages.

Find out why orphanages in Mexico need your help by clicking here.

We are a trustworthy association that cares about being accountable to our donors and positively affecting the lives of as many children in Mexico as possible. Our work is based on the Hope Model: 

In our Foundation, we have established the protocol for the Implementation and monitoring of support programs, with which we ensure the optimal performance of our organization.

Besides, we have several commissions that make sure that your donation is as efficient as possible and with which we can inform you about what is being done with your money.

  • Institutional Development Commission: Promotes and advises a correct administration of economic resources.
  • Resources Procurement Commission: Follows up on donors and optimizes the fundraising and selection processes.
  • Research and analysis commission: Responsible for providing valuable and updated information to ensure scientifically the relevance and impact of our social work.
  • Physical Health Commission: Provides prevention and medical care to children in orphanages. Also, the impact of this work is for life, as we take care of promoting healthy habits in children and young people.

Do you want to know all our Commissions and find out what each of them does?

If you are looking for charity organizations in Mexico to help, Fundación Esperanza Contigo is a great option. We base our actions on accountability to our donors, and we make sure that our work has a significant impact on society by ensuring a high cost-effectiveness ratio of our donations.

Find out how you can help and get involved by clicking here. 

Con la sociedad

Gracias al apoyo de nuestros donantes, así como al esfuerzo de nuestra red de voluntarios, aliados y equipo de trabajo, hemos logrado impactar positivamente la vida de niños y jóvenes en situación de abandono en toda la ciudad.
